What's the capital of the Bahamas?

Correct answer: Nassau

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What people think about it: 35 Comments
I am from the Bahamas it is really wonderful here. I think everyone should experience our Islands for your self 🇧🇸🇧🇸242
Player #2123781
Player #2123781
TurnGrace, what gave the Spaniards the right to take the people living on the island and make them slaves? What was wrong with people back then? Same what was done to the Indians and Africans?? I don’t get it. Wrong wrong wrong!! People are the animals. Animals wound never treat people the way we treat them.
I am a Bahamian..most beautiful place on Earth
Player #185561, visited Ocho Rios in the early 60's and it was delightful. every where on the beach were children selling home made coconut oil...a Coke bottle full for a dollar... best tan I ever had and spent hours on the beach. the people were exceptionally nice and warm to all
There are also big tourist attractions there like Atlantis Resort!
Player #15840186
Player #15840186
Unfortunately in that time people were a commodity and number of slaves were viewed as wealth. Agree it was wrong, but that's why we are where we are today, moved on from that. A lot of things happened to be here where we are today. Will always hurt to look back, it was for sure not right, but it was generations ago. See this as the history that it is, which helped formed the world to where we are now.
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
#kdp628, he was not a slave trader. Many, many people like to sound woke by regurgitating this garbage without critical thought, without ever questioning the veracity. He never brought an African to the Americas, first of all. Going the other way is a matter of how you judge his actions. Columbus left 40 crewmembers behind with very friendly Tainos. When he returned, he discovered several Carib and Canib groups flee. At their campsites, he found human bones and human flesh cut as to be cooked. Two pregnant girls told him they were being held so their babies could be eaten. He then found that one of the Taino chiefs was angry and led an attack on the Spaniards, killing all forty. Some were eaten. Columbus was joined by tbe Taino chief Guanaraco in hunting down and battling the murderers. Columbus captured 500 POWs and, as was the worldwide custom in 1500, sent them back to be sold as slaves. He sentv32 more later, but the crown asked him to stop and he did. While you could technically, and very technically, call him a slave trader, that is a judgment in a vacuum. Remember, native tribes enslaved the vanquished as well, but what horrified the Spaniards was the cannibalism. They could not reconcile cannibalism with being particularly advanced or good. Remember also tbat, while the Spansh unwittingly gave the natives meadles and smallpox, the natives gave Europe syphilis, tuberculosis, encephalitis and more, plus tobacco and cocaine. Do we blame native peoples for those deaths?
ZealousJelly5831, Ocho Rios is in Jamaica, not in the Bahamas.
Dera, Dear, you are very lucky to be living in Paradise !😉
ShayCee28, Nassau's got funky, Nassau's got soul x
Kimmy, I would need so much money, I have been told it is very expensive in the Bahamas.
Matthew Lee, I went to Cuba, and when I got home I was nearly killed. but it didn't have anything to do with Cuba. what had the Bahamas got to do with accident in miami?
Caopolican, yes, you are right. People did enslave their own people. Europeans only enslaved Africans to sell to America and in the Caribbean. When importing slaves from Africa was banned, Americans forced enslaved Africans to breed more slaves for their white slave masters.
Player #15840186, slavery is happening now. So never forget the past, we can learn from it. that is the point of history.
ZealousJelly5831, Ocho Rios is Jamaica isn't it?
Player #2123781, Europeans didn't consider these people of colour human. same as British and Americans, they made vast amounts of money from slavery.
Matthew Lee
Matthew Lee
My parents dated in Bahamas in 2005. When they returned to Miami, they almost got killed from a road accident on the way to Key West.
OMG! I didn't know that.
OMG! I didn't know that.
I plan on visiting the beautiful islands soon.
The great Sean Connery just passed away at his home in the Bahamas two days ago. R. I. P. 007
Player Diver Dan
Player Diver Dan
TB in humans can be traced back to 9,000 years ago in Atlit Yam, a city now under the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Israel. Archeologists found TB in the remains of a mother and child buried together. The earliest written mentions of TB were in India (3,300 years ago) and China (2,300 years ago). So it didn't come from the Americas as one commenter stated.
Player Diver Dan
Player Diver Dan
These findings give credence to Columbus' claims that the Arawaks were often besieged by their aggressive neighbors — but what about the cannibalism? According to Keegan, it's possible that the Caribs did occasionally eat the flesh of their enemies to inspire fear, but there's no real evidence of this happening.
Player Diver Dan
Player Diver Dan
ZealousJelly5831, That's Jamaica, Not The Bahamas....
I didn't know that an I would like to fish around there.
wildthing 1720
wildthing 1720
San Juan is from Puerto Rico, Kingston from Jamaica and Havana from Cuba
Player #2123781, yeah animals would never attack each other. haha.
I live where you vacation and I love it here! please come and experience one if not all of our beautiful Islands and cays. you would not want to leave.
ZealousJelly5831, that's Mexico🤷🏽‍♀️
I knew it but my hand accidentally hit it
JessieCat, Hispaniola is the name of the island, when Colon arrived there were no countries! Try to learn sth before speaking
Player #2123781, Jews and Christians have also been slaves. There are still slaves in Africa and other countries. In the US, we have sex slaves brought in from the Mexico border and Middle East. Unfortunately, there is alot of evil in the world.
Thank you Assassin's Creed Black Flag...
I only know this from Assassins Creed Black Flag. Sailed there many times. 😂😂
Player #9200439
Player #9200439
JellybeanJaidan, Atlantis resort is not typically Bahamas it is the quaintness and quietness is locals crave and beautiful beaches
Player #9200439
Player #9200439
Dera, I too am from Bahamas hurricane Dorian s abaco we survived though thank god almighty