Which bird lays the largest egg in relation to their body size of any species of bird in the world?

Correct answer: Kiwi

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Ok, the mother kiwi keeps the fertilised egg inside her for 30 days before she lays it in a burrow. Then the father sits on the egg for 70 - 90 days before they hatch, leaving to get food. The 65% yolk plus gestation time mean the chicken doesn't need feeding once it has kicked it's way out of the egg.
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
So what is the advantage of having an egg that is 65% yolk?
Player #2342698
Player #2342698
had no clue!!
Kiwozzie, thanks for the additional info, your explanation made things a lot clearer.
Laudy Miss Claudy, better chance of survival .
Laudy Miss Claudy, the yolk becomes - if fertilized - the new kiwi. presumeably hatched larger than other birds. i don't know if they are edible but they would contain a greater amount of protein.
Player #2342698, I always thought it was an ostrich!! learned it right here on this game!! that was a life wasted!!