Which of these crowned himself as an emperor in 1804?

Correct answer: Napoleon Bonaparte

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
Player #4267149
Player #4267149
craftmaker76, Get a life! Or at least come up with something new! Please!!! So tired of the EARTH is FLAT.
Gem cart
Gem cart
I like how Orwell named the pig villain after him in animal farm
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
Knodel1966, I know I’m sorry I’m not impressed by the man yet it seems many are. This so often happens where murderous megalomaniacs are held in high esteem as some great conquerer, not such a great thing I think. My opinion I’m sure many would & will disagree.
From all I've learned regarding Napoleon, he doesn't deserve to be called a "statesman" as in the question explaination. That title should be reserved for those who stood as an example of all that is right & honorable in their country - not for an opportunist who seeks only to conquer & gain self enrichment.
Player #15014983
Player #15014983
I really need to read the question thoroughly before I answer
ChampionNymph37634, to be fair, it seems that he left a few things in quite a state.
Dark Unicorn Theory
Dark Unicorn Theory
Player #4267149, hahaha your
Jessica Simpson
Jessica Simpson
ChampionNymph37634, Kind of like what we have in the White House today.
Player #2056224
Player #2056224
Tinker20665, It’s a country of free speech. And it certainly is your right.