What is the name of the prison in Stephen King's story "The Green Mile"?

Correct answer: Cold Mountain

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
Player-T G 3503313
Player-T G 3503313
I don’t think Tom Hanks can do a bad movie, great movie great actors.
Player #19719147
Player #19719147
R.I.P. Michael Clarke Duncan. Thank you for bringing John Coffey to life.
Great book, great adaptation. The same directory as Shawshank; Frank Darabont.
the mouse got a life sentence for stealing cheese out of the prison kitchen !!
The movie was damn good and sad!!
I have never read the book but I will now. I'm intrigued by the books that movies are made into. I have seen The Green Mile many times and it never grows old, therefore the book will, I imagine be much the same for me.
One of the best books I've read and the movie adaptation with Tom Hanks - great.
Player Bengal Mama
Player Bengal Mama
swish, food and warmth.
Player #1334577
Player #1334577
Player #19719147, John Coffey was quite a character
Tiggsmeister 43
Tiggsmeister 43
Mouse was a pet who probably invaded the prison. It hets COLD in winter over there.