In "Harry Potter", what subject is taught by Professor McGonagall?

Correct answer: Transfiguration

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
One of my favorite characters from HP. Maggie Smith is perfect!
Tony Pritchard
Tony Pritchard
MC Merci, The title was altered not updated.
MC Merci
MC Merci
PMP, the first book in the UK is known as "Harry Potter & the Philosopher's Stone"; the name was updated for the American market.
Player #27643412
Player #27643412
RushMama2112, for me it's Maggie Smith, Robbie Coltrane & Gary Oldman..
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
RushMama2112, In everything she does, one of the true greats
I love Harry Potter!!!!! Thank you J K Rowling for such an amazing series of books 📚