Which of these creatures is mentioned in the King James Bible?

Correct answer: Unicorn

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That’s a stretch
Player #14737963
Player #14737963
Butterfly is mentioned, one horn could be a Rhinoceros, not a unicorn.
This is one of those big stretches. One horned, great(est) horned, biggest Horned, all are acceptable interpretations, which are more likely to describe an Oryx, a Giant Buffalo, or a Rhinoceros, along with the Unicorn; which falls much lower on the list.
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
I agree, it's a stretch. A "horned animal" is any animal with horns. Eg. a bull is a horned animal.
Player #10294446
Player #10294446
Player #14737963, rhinos have 2 horns