What is Young Earth Creationism?
Correct answer: The belief that the Earth is 6000-10,000 years old
aqualung, it can't be flat my dear the cats would have knocked everything of it! xx
Player Bengal Mama
Player Jellybean, It's not science, it's a belief. People can believe as they choose so long as they don't try to make me believe it too.
One of my uncles swore blind it was flat too....muppet
PASTAFARIANS UNTIE !!!! This message was brought to you by the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
How ridiculous those that believe this.
religious and spiritual mumbo jumbo is at it y'all 🐒🧟
Player #118382186
Well, I'm enjoying a dvd I _/'d out from the library. 'Planet Earth II'. The 1st episode is about islands. The portion about Madagascar is particularly fascinating. The BBC with Attenborough narrating, sure produce some remarkable nature shows. It's tragic how science is viewed so ridiculously abhorrent to a growing group wishing to suppress advancing scientific research and discoveries.
I'm not saying faiths have no place in society, but if a sect, for example wanted to burn the one at the stake who rightly discovered that our planets revolve around the sun, that's not good.
Pete, I respect knowledge ๐
B Dog
So basically anytime you notice something in the cosmological or geological record that indicates the earth is older than 10,000 years old? A wizard did it. A wizard named God, to test our faith. ๐๐๐
Moray, Where have all the pirates gone? Arrr!
if you read the bible this is confirmed because this is the only truth of mankind's existence beginning and ending.