What was the birth name of Harpo Marx?

Correct answer: Adolph Marx

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Player #Judy
Player #Judy
I love watching the Marx Brothers films! They are so funny!
In 1933, the Marx Brothers took two actions to protest the rise of Adolf Hitler. Harpo legally changed his name from Adolph to Arthur, and they made “Duck Soup”.
Player Don1
Player Don1
Always watched the Marx Brothers movies just to hear Harpo play the harp!
Harpo was a brilliant comic, with impeccable timing. He was also an extremely talented musician. It was all fun and games, until he sat down to play the harp. His face would soften into serious tenderness, as he played, focusing completely on the music. This always led the audience to pay full attention to his music as well. And it was always exquisitely beautiful, to the last lovely note.
Player #Smartypanz
Player #Smartypanz
I chose Arthur and got it wrong!!
really loved him, RIP, MY FRIEND!