In 1961, a son of New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, Michael, disappeared from which of these islands?

Correct answer: Netherlands New Guinea

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What people think about it: 8 Comments
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What an incredible story, and what a lousy way to go! Poor guy.
Player #25234400
Player #25234400
Enjoyed meeting Gov. Rockefeller when he visited my 1962-63 freshman class at Elmira College. Did not know his son had been lost. Tragic 😰
I remember hearing this on radio and tv news about Rockerfeller's disappearance, and being declared dead a few years later. I was a child during that time. A really sad, and mysterious, event.
Player #21374632
Player #21374632
Player #26264402, wow, did not‘know that, sad tho..
Has anyone ever swam 12 miles in a constantly moving ocean ?
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
if he was eaten there wouldn't be any evidence of him left
Player #120374466
Player #120374466
if he was eaten there wouldn't be any evidence of him left
How horrible! I can't imagine the grief his parents went through. I never heard this story. May he rest in peace.