Which combination is needed for a snowflake to form?

Correct answer: Moisture, freezing temperature, and a nucleus material

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What people think about it: 10 Comments
Player #2357380
Player #2357380
So basically when you catch a snowflake on your tongue, you are catching a bit of pollen or mold or dust??
Wow!!! Thank you God for your beauty of nature!!!
Tina M.
Tina M.
I found this so interesting and easy for everyone to understand!
swish, you were clear.
Leighton Vander
Leighton Vander
i just notice the longer information is the correct answer
Player #3093136
Player #3093136
no natural snowflake can ever be alike, ever. not sure if one can artificially create symmetrical snowflakes.
Player #2357380, No more for me then !!!!
Player #32567393
Player #32567393
Davy, Livingston, Cozzy 25, God is the best artist. Amen to that. 😎
In liquid/gaseous form the Hydrogen atoms are at 104° apart. In a solid it varies a bit.
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
No two alike! God and Nature are amazing!