What is the name of the flap that prevents the food from entering into the respiratory tract?

Correct answer: Epiglottis

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Player #11558263
Player #11558263
please don't ever let an ear,nose, and throat doctor convince you that removal of this will stop your snoring. 2008 a doctor removed mine and I choke even on water. I can't eat alone for fear of choking. my voice is different and no longer sing pretty and I used too. The worst was 19 good teeth loosened up due to no saliva and all had to be pulled. My husband of 15 years just filed for divorce.
Player #11558263, sounds like malpractice to me.
Player #11558263, While we think these Doctors knows best . Sometines they are wrong ,My wife had Polyps removed many years ago ,today she cannot smell . We were not made aware that this procedure was oing to damage her ability to smell . Sorry to learn of your misfortune .