The Wounded Knee Massacre of Lakota people in 1890 by U.S. Army soldiers took place in which American state?

Correct answer: South Dakota

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What people think about it: 3 Comments
Player #9799695
Player #9799695
I hope one day that we can live in peace. That is all the people of the world. No matter what color, race or religion.
Player #31730667
Player #31730667
I hope I am not related to anyone involved in that incident. I know very little about my ancestors.
Byrde Alpha Bitch
Byrde Alpha Bitch
It is a pure travesty to say it was a battle of any shape or form, yet it has been taught as such. It was a massacre of The People; men, women, elderly, children, babies! Those soldiers were murderers, period. There was no conflict, the soldiers mistook a dance, A Ghost Dance; A DANCE! Can you imagine a mass killing because of folks misinterpreting Twerking?! The U.S.A. government put The Peoples on reservations & almost committed genocide of The Peoples. Having grown up on the very same reservation, worse than most ghettos, we feel strongly about what is taught, what is right & what is true.