What is the most common cause of male baldness?

Correct answer: Androgenetic alopecia

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Concorde SST
Concorde SST
Tina, I agree with you, save for your last sentence...confidence is quite a personalized thing; some men are just fine being bald, but others can't reconcile how they look with failing hair, or a "chrome dome". I'm one of those whose confidence has been eroded because of it, so please don't judge those who suffer because of it by simply deeming it "unattractive" when one is shy, withdrawn, etc. You might say that "it's just hair, get over it", but for many, it's far from being that simple. If only that were so.
Concorde SST
Concorde SST
Take a close look at Ronald Reagan with his thick hair and low juvenile hairline... kept it his whole life and it made him look younger than his years. Truly hit the hair lottery, that man. It's not necessarily vanity, male pattern baldness is horrible; I'll never be comfortable living with it. Hating the way I look now with this growing forehead.
Concorde SST
Concorde SST
Donna, I respect their choice. If one has a good head shape, they can pull it off. I can grow a beard, but unfortunately, with my semi egg shaped head at the top, I'm not one of them.
smarty pants
smarty pants
there are some advantages to being bald. you feel a little cooler in the summer. no need for shampoo or fancy hairdos. don't have to worry about lice.
Concorde SST, some men actually look better bald-especially if they can grow a beard! Years ago I never thought this but last few years more men are shaving their heads.