Which spice is in the picture?

Correct answer: Vanilla

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
Player #6852065
Player #6852065
I use a teaspoon of it when I make pancakes.
Player #6852065, sounds yummy! sweeter is always better!😋
I want Ice cream 😂
You can make your own vanilla with a vanilla bean & Vodka.
I use vanilla in my fairy cakes they are soooo good😋
Player #20246371
Player #20246371
Hi there I’m just got home now I’ll see you tomorrow morning and I’m going to see you then you tomorrow I’ll let them get it haha was that you have your dad is that day I can get them for me haha was that a great night and then we had some good time for me to see them today so we are just got them to be there and I’m going home and I’m going back home now I’m home now I’ll see how you tomorrow morning morning and I think I’m home I’ll