What type of animal is a squirrel?

Correct answer: Rodent

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What people think about it: 4 Comments
a rat with a bushy tail and very destructive
I feed them too but away from my house. The birds & Squirrels 🐿️share the bread & peanuts. They are hilarious to watch! One day I’d been gone & didn’t get a chance to feed them before I left. When I came home there was one sitting on a short post that line my driveway. I rolled the passenger window down & said “Are you waiting for peanuts?” He did a complete backflip! I was 😂for hours!
Player #31753367
Player #31753367
Have a taxidermy Red Squirrel from Belgium 40+yrs ago . Locals were then encouraged to shoot to decrease population. In England, invasion of the Grey Squirrel has decimated our natural Red
Dristoliqa, tree squirrels...