What female celebrity was made an honorary member of the Harlem Globetrotters in 1990?

Correct answer: Whoopi Goldberg

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What people think about it: 35 Comments
Saw them in the 70s & 80s. Great athletes and entertainers!
Player #2077554
Player #2077554
I remember seeing them play as a kid. Meadowlark Lemon and Curly Jones. I was quite impressed
I grew up in Maple Shade, NJ. I had a substitute teacher who was also a Harlem Globetrotters Referee. People don't realize it, but the referees have to be just as talented and expert ball handlers as the players. They're part of the show! My teacher spent 15 years with them.
Montana Lady
Montana Lady
They came to my school when I was a young child, it was amazing.
Player #9495659
Player #9495659
When I was young, my father took me to see the original Globe Trotters. I actually remember a lot of it. They did a lot of amazing tricks. However being about 6 years old, I remember the hot dogs too.
Player #3906185
Player #3906185
Montana Lady, saw them at school as a teen fun night
They came to my summer camp in the 60’s. They were a lot of fun to watch!
Apologize for the misspelling Karen = Kareem
PurpleReign5716, Loved Them great performances never saw them in person but watched on TV many times
PurpleReign5716, I saw them in 1951. I was 5 years old. they came to Alaska, never forgot about their show and showmanship. great guys.
Player #130998363
Player #130998363
Can't stand her,Why was she honored? I don't get it.
 Chris RN
Chris RN
Montana Lady, They came to the high school that I attended in Pennsylvania. They played against the teachers and coaches. It was unforgettable. A brother in law hosted them at his home in Merida, Yucatán, Mexico where he has his own basketball court.
Player #2077554, I played Little League against Meadowlark Lemon's son, George. Struck him out. Nice kid, but hey, he played for the opposing team. Classy family from my home town, Fairfield, Connecticut. Thanks for making the world a better place Meadowlark!
Guillermo Jr., I sure don't understand Whoopi being an honorary member
I saw them on Scooby Doo
can't remember seeing her do that or way.
Player #15818789
Player #15818789
Mardell Riley, No. That's what makes her "honorary."
Miss Bitsy
Miss Bitsy
Player #2077554, Me also, saw and met the back in 1955 When they played in Chicago and stayed at The Evans Hotel owned by Ralph Medcalf , gold medal winner with Jessie Owens in Germany 1936. They were ver personable.
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
guess they needed a Globetrotter with no sense of humor?
Player Diver Dan
Player Diver Dan
Mardell Riley, Crack open a book and look up "HONORARY". Make sure you spell it correctly.
In my teenage years, I had a b-ball coach who played for them. He was one tall man, an his name was "Stick". He was one cool coach that I will never forget.
Player #2077554, they were the best.
hookmhorns1, you have 12 twins? Pretty sure that is a new record, did u call Guinness?
Player #2077554, i pickup up Curly on Meadowlark lane
Player #1952, Wow! I don't know why you were denied, but these guys are human beings, not robots. Their boss may have given them a break, their wives and children may have been waiting to see dad, too. Their hands give out signing autographs. Give them a break! Their show is still the best sort of fun - and they're quality players who play the local guys. I think they are great. And NO, I never got an autograph eier.
Player #12690448
Player #12690448
I also saw them as a kid! They were very talented and quite funny!
Echo Equani
Echo Equani
Player #9701152, That's her prerogative if she decides she doesn't like the president and she decided to leave the USA that is her choice.We all don't have to like him because you and others do.We all have minds of our own and that's life. The world would be a boring place if we all agreed on everything!
Player Mo
Player Mo
Kobe will be next.
Player #1952
Player #1952
I quit watching them when I went to get an autograph, and was denied.
Player #6723658
Player #6723658
Player #9701152, Turn fox off.
Player #9701152
Player #9701152
I don't see why. her face could pop basketballs. why is she still in America? She said if Trump made President she would leave America. I say good riddance.
Player #2077554, Curly Neal not Jones.
took my 12 twins to see them recently. They had a blast. We got every player's autograph.
Phiend99, great information thanks
Player woody2327
Player woody2327
Player #2077554, Bobby Joe Mason as well. He was from my home town in Illinois.