What candy was made on this machine?

Correct answer: Necco Wafers

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Player Sherry
Player Sherry
as a kid I loved them! my favorite was the chocolate. you could get a whole roll of 15 to 20 candies for a nickel. funny when I mentioned it to friends my age they don't seem to remember. I'm 68
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
SneakyMole92698., Are you sure? I've seen them around recently.
this photograph is not helpful at all the machine could be anything from a meat grinder to a whirligig.
Player #1489294
Player #1489294
Elfcounsel, Probably not, as during WW two there were sugar shortages. If not a sugar shortage there were probably a better tasting sweet.
use a picture that the general reader may have an ideainstead of a regional one