Der Spitzname welches US-Präsidenten lautete "Ike"?
Richtige Antwort: Dwight D. Eisenhowers

Das erklärt mir leider nicht, wieso er Ike genannt wurde. 🤔

Dagan, danke für die Info

Lt. dem engl. Wikipedia solls ne Abkürzung des Nachnamen sein aber egal wie...irgendwie passt das K nicht ein.
His mother soon reversed his two forenames after his birth to avoid the confusion of having two Davids in the family.[11] All of the boys were nicknamed "Ike", such as "Big Ike" (Edgar) and "Little Ike" (Eisenhower); the nickname was intended as an abbreviation of their last name.[12] By World War II, only Eisenhower was still called "Ike".