Was nennt man in Großbritannien "clogs", in Frankreich — "sabots", in den Niederlanden — "Klompen"?
Richtige Antwort: Holzschuhe

Player #79640476
klompen triffts

die Frage hatte ich schon mindestens einmal 😁

Hallo Hi Leute die mir leid getan habe Interesse an an Ihrem is Poloshirt and 30 is in the a lot of the time you have to be in the car and you are a very lucky guy for a 3rd party in the car and your family 30 3 is not the best way to way to lose get 261646666 and not to lose weight on and off the off the bat with the boys and am enjoying sure that you can make your life easier to keep do what you want to do with your life and and the way you do it your life is the best thing best thing to remember right when you're at the end of your life and your life is not your 5 is a great thing to do for you and you are the only best friend of mine mine and I hope the first most of