Which actor/actress is supposed to be the inventor of the technology that is used for today's GPS system?
Correct answer: Hedy Lamarr

Wow is right. Talk about not being just another pretty face! The saying could have been coined just for her.

That's 'Hedley'!

Learning new things every day. This game is amazing 😇😇

another exceptional woman!!!

1237840, Wow, indeed

What a brilliant mind! Well done.

For the makers of this game, Hedy was not allegedly the maker of GPS, she was. Words matter, and we appreciate yours being accurate and not halfway to shady. There is evidence of this, and even a documentary about her inventing it. Thank you.

Saint Nine, aint Nine, If you have to shout from the highest rooftops about how great you are due to your "principles", along with doing your best to imply how much better you are than the rest of us mortals, then you must not find a lot of personal satisfaction in those principles. I have been taught that acts of kindness and/or principles is best left unadvertised, particularly by the person performing those acts, or he changes from true philanthropist to a sanctimonious narcissist.

She invented frequency hopping spread spectrum. I had that question few levels before.

Player #4122280
Wow.... Amazing 😉

TheJanith, two of the most brilliant AND beautiful women I’ve ever met were of the same ilk: one looked like a Barbie doll and spoke six languages by the age of 15, the other went into high security work at the age of 19 and was even more stunning. Watch out, fellas. The women are getting educated and are going to revolutionize the world.
Watch “The Rule Breakers” and “Hidden Figured” and “Lessons in Chemistry”.
These are the tiniest tip of the iceberg of the uplifting of Humanity.

Hedy LaMarr isn't "supposed" to have made this achievement. She did it. No question. Her torpedo-jamming technology was used for the first time during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

lashtx, Hedley Lamarr is from a Mel Brooks movie. (High Anxiety)

Brilliant woman!!

I dated her!

me, She was a successful actress, and she was brilliant. She didn't die broke.

This is not a "supposed to be"..

The problem Hedy Lamarr set out to solve was enemy jamming of our torpedoes' radio signal and sending them harmlessly off-target. Rapidly-changing frequencies was her answer, and it is the basis of cell-phone function.

I've heard this many times, but is it true????

Player #118103951
No allegedly here, she and Antheil did invent it. The documentary Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story covers this in depth.

It was not actually for GPS but for spread spectrum radio technology. Making possible anti-jamming and our cellphones today. They could not operate on such low signal levels without it. (or be as small as they are)

She had it patented in 1941. It was finally used during The Bay of Pigs. She never received a cent for her technology and died broke.

didn't see that coming..

BugsBunnyFan, not Hedley! It's definitely Hedy! If you're joking I apologize

BugsBunnyFan, We're gonna get sued for this!

no, it's hedy.

Mrs. VM
Player #16068797, You get it!

Who knew wowed.

Player #38618593
Brilliant woman. Loved her accent.

Player #16068797
BugsBunnyFan, "wait a minute..what's that in your mouth!".."Chewy gum in line Aye..I hope you brought enough for everyone!"../"I didn't know there was going to be this many people!!".....BANG!!!

Player #33473616
she definitely was very smart. ahead of her times.

Love everything about her...read her book "Hedy's Folly" by Richard Rhodes. An interesting read 😊

Player #15018601
Player #23041419, it's a movie reference.

Player #21995433
mammy1027, thank goodness for smart woman

Player #31222075
It is believed she took the information from her Austrian husband as she was escaping from that marriage.
She had a very sad second half of her life.

Player #2677203
my grandpa's favorite actress! enjoyed the stories of her inventions.

Did not know this about her, very glad to have learned this!!

Player #23041419
BugsBunnyFan, no. its Hedy

i think i would've told her my secret to if it were Samson