Who is Matt Damon?
Correct answer: An actor

He's a writer, too. After all, he won an Oscar for it.

He always makes me laugh! I just look at him and I bust a gut.

he is a screen writer as well

Dogs R Filthy , how do you like them apples?

Tyler Rhone
He's Jason Bourne... Well, actually David Webb.

Dogs R Filthy
How do you like THEM apples?

Matt Damon more like Matt Damunchin on deez nuts

Jesus Christ, it's Jason Bourne 😳

He is a very sincere and caring actor. I love all of his movies.

Matt is a great actor . I would like to see him star with Ben again in a movie. I loved Good Will Hunting…. It was just a good story.. that starred the great Robin Williams he was so grateful for that movie…. We need more stories like that

Zunash awan
I don’t know because I don’t study about him because I am only eleven years old but is elect thirteen because you game didn’t add eleven so that’s why I select

He is my favorite actor