What do bees make honey from?
Correct answer: Floral nectar

who's saying that bees make honey from seeds😂

honey comes the frequency of the buzzzzz that the bee's make

Tara Tippy., rock

little b
I've not heard of the floral nectar

I have learned about bees, and I witnessed a queen bee being escorted out of the hive. It was awesome to see the worker bees turn around and face the hive, watching for the Queen Bee coming out of the hive. Then they turned around and flew ahead slowly as the Queen Bee existed the hive. Now I really understand why that female bee is called, "Queen Bee".!

Easy as a bee 🐝

Tara Tippy.
🐝 Rock

I love honey but lately if has been difficult to buy a real honey cause it has been artificial.