What is Halcion?
Correct answer: A benzodiazepine central nervous system (CNS) depressant

infamousiceberg313, I take Xanax for anxiety and I remember everything I do. It's been a life saver and has improved my quality of life greatly.

Player #9495659
infamousiceberg313, Xanax does not make you forget. I have severe PTSD and severe anxiety. I have taken Xanax for many years. Sometimes I wish it made me forget, but it never has. Xanax has saved my sanity, before I was prescribed it, without warning I experienced horrible almost catatonic anxiety / panic attacks. I could barely move, but my brain was very alert. I never want to live through that again. I thank God a Dr. prescribed me Xanax. Yes, it can be very addictive, so I set up a schedule, according to the prescription instructions and have not abused them.

Dave Payne
Deborah Jackson, But they asked what Halcion was, not Halcyon.

a dentist gave me one. I don't remember that day. lol

It can be a life saving drug when taken as prescribed. It's when it's abused that you can get some of these symptoms.

That sounds like a medication indeed.

infamousiceberg313, Xanax does not give you amnesia unless maybe you took more than prescribed? It can be a lifesaver to those with severe anxiety, allowing them to function again (and remember it the next day).

infamousiceberg313, I have severe anxiety and have taken Xanax, for more than a decade, AS PRESCRIBED. At no time have I experienced memory loss or had someone describe something I had done, but had no memory of.

Nolan Void
I need some of dat

Player LV Lizard 🦎
surfinmike007, halcion is at least 10 times stronger than those you mentioned. stick to the benzo's and Xanax...much safer

Genetic drug names don't have capital letters

Lucie Freya
Dave Payne, Halcyon means happy.

Always choose the longest answer

it's often used for colonoscopies

Player #120374466
Halcyon is pretty potant stuff and much care has to be given. Got some serious side effects.

Man-made drugs have too many bad side effects. Even Tylenol is thought to contribute to autism in some kids. Marijuana, peyote (mescaline) and psilocybin (magic mushrooms) are just a few of the God-made drugs.

Most doctors in the UK don't like to prescribe benzos as they are so addictive

AutumnsGoldenGlow, Yet again, Halcion is not Xanax.

Player #46835611, Xanax is okay. I use it. But the article is about a whole different drug.

GEMnEYE , Xanax is Alprazolam, not the drug they are talking about.

Player #13370305, Xanax is a different drug.

SparkyChaz2018, Xanax is not the same as Halcion.

EvilEve9, Xanax is not Hacion.

I'm currently on Xanax and a great deal of advice NEVER take it and drink alcohol please 🙏 I maid that mistake years ago it impaired tf outta my memory I didn't and said some hurtful things 😞

I just picked the longest answer 😅

Big one😉

I just picked d longest option

Different countries have different brand names so it is not a universal question

Kevin, you’re right. Trade names differ from country to country. The generic names are consistent. This question is biased in favour of American participants.

French (not) Fries
The picture is a bit poor, just to note.

Player #85130616
just finished watching Jeffrey Dahmer documentation on netflix and now this...

i take insomnia meds and antidepressants and I don't forget. but I'm on low dose, the higher the dose of quetanapine fumarate the more problems the body has. most doctors prescribe more than the person needs and adjusts from there.

Player #35548905
Nolan Void, jj

Byrde Alpha Bitch
infamousiceberg313, That sounds more like being "roofied".

Byrde Alpha Bitch
AutumnsGoldenGlow, Not necessarily, I have been on narcotics for years for a very painful chronic condition & I never became addicted. When you deal with the type of pain that I have, day in & day out, the narcotics never get me "high" they take away some of the pain but never all. I have never abused them either. No pain is a dream that will never come true for some of us.

Player #32777902
Ask Bush the 1st what he thinks of Halcion. worth googling

Player Gigi #28446253, After a series of events - I had them so frequently it was ruining my life.

Player #6054727, should not mix with alcohol

Player #9495659, I am a suffer of anxiety attacks and I take the lowest dosage now and it has helped so much!

Su Per
Brand names are not global.