Who said, "Do, or do not. There is no 'try'."?
Correct answer: Yoda

Interesting question this is!

Player #3196549
Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you are right.

Luminous creatures are we, not this crude matter.

Player #521748
Yoda defefintly said it best!! I try to live that way.

He also said, "There is... another... Sky... Walker. ..".

Player #21186170
also if at first you don't succeed, don't sky dive 😂

One can "try" without giving the best effort, but if you are determined to "do it" you are more likely to give it your best effort. Truly Sage advice.

Hunger Knowledge
But ,to DO there is a TRY...AN EFFORT..Yoda or George Lucas is a bit off

I Love this game, A Lot!! But the entertainment questions need to be more recent. I know everyone loves John Wayne, but "I'm" even too young for those OLD westerns!!!

The star wars movies are some of the best movies of all time. My personal favorite quote is from Count Dooku " Twice the pride, double the fall "

Player #38618593, There is no "try", only "DO". 👍☺

His last name is Layheehoo

you are not the biggest star wars geek. just so you know you are not alone. I watch the movies every time they are played which is now. I love those movies. a new hope is my favorite but I also like phantom menace.

Player #45255694
Correction, Master Yoda

Player #38618593
I've always thought that besides being an encouragement to persevere, it was an actual statement of fact.
To try/fail equals not doing. They're inseparable.
To try/succeed equals actually doing. They're inseparable.
So there is no separate condition known as "try".

A cute 'lil alain an such great movies he be in!🤑

UncleD, my favorite quote from Master Yoda

Player #16491307
Player #10628065, I say, Either I will, or I won't!

Guillermo Jr.
Jo, any comments including the word "actually" are annoying 99% of the time..

I was looking for the answer.. "Mr. Miyagi"

Jo, git er done is my take(long live sez this anchak boy)

Player #10628065
To be or not to be, that is the question.

Taranchalanche, nop he never said that

Canis Lupus
A rule I live by.

Delan1947, not funny!

It definitely was Jedi Master Yoda. (And René Descartes was a drunken fart: "I drink therefore I am!)

Player #2018
Yoda form his sentence by mentioning predicate or action first before the subject: "try, you must" or "with you, I will be".