What is etiquette?
Correct answer: Polite behaviour in society

Treat people the way you you want to be treated

And sadly lacking in this day and age: 2025.

Another answer option should have been 'endangered / lacking / almost extinct'. People just don't seem to care so much these days.

many people don't know

Player #146530033
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Player #112320108
Etiquette is a polite behaviour, which we must teach children at their young age to be cultured.

Sadly, as others have noted, it's vanishing in this day and age. I believe that's one reason why we're in such trouble as a species.

Social etiquette varies among countries and society. If you travel, learn the etiquette of the place you are visiting to avoid misunderstanding. When I was 19, a southerner used an expression that was vulgar in California, but had an entireky different meaning where he grew up.

Right ✅️ US
Jane and her Bro. Marc due 2

Give us the old days back when etiquette was abundant, but not anymore.

Not sure if you want to be able to get the right answer Because it was a bit more trik t

I didn't know that and I love dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs they're there are they're all my thing I love dogs I love I love dogs I love them I love dogs I love them I love them so much I love dogs I love dogs dogs dogs dogs eat dogs that are dogs dogs dogs dogs dogs are so cute

I never knew that!

i'am a legend thanos💪💪.

Lil Zebra
Elsea Chelsea Peck

That's already NOT known 😕 😐 🙃 😒 😑 🙄 😕