Who is this person?

Correct answer: Angela Merkel (Chancellor of Germany)

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Merkel did well until she opened the floodgates for the refugees and now she sees what a big mistake that was.
Milkdud, true,. we have to be vigilant in who we let cross our borders also
John Taapken
John Taapken
she is very awsome
Player #2512936
Player #2512936
Why does No one want to stay where they were Born? My parents wanted to Move to The USA. They Had it so much better Than I. Nowadays people doing Double Shifts and having two full time Jobs. Too many worthless Imports from China.
Milkdud, wish the Americans would see that! we need to close the port of entries from Mexico. because the refugees and immigrant that's flooding America is a mistake...