Which civilization created guacamole?
Correct answer: Aztec

penawareof, I just learned something
for some reason if you put the avocado pits back into your guacamole it'll keep your dip fresh for an amazingly long time and add some lemon juice too I didn't believe it until I tried. it really works

FRANKNSCHWEIN 9z i, Just add the lemon juice?!?! The pit does nothing in that situation

Love it!!!!!!

jerezaa, If your taste is like mine, anything with cilantro has a "soapy" flavor. It may be that your experience with guacamole & avovado has been with cilantro as seasoning that gave them a "soap" taste. I saw a cooking show on TV where they talked about a some folks with a particular gene that causes this.

Player #1443092
I enjoy eating it and I enjoy making it is so good

Player #4071088
FRANKNSCHWEIN 9, it's the lemon juice doing the preserving

Roma Naclef, here in Oz we call the green fresh herb coriander, not cilantro we also call the dried seeds which a crushed coriander spice.

Little Lady
FRANKNSCHWEIN 9z i, It's the citric acid from the lemon juice that prevents oxidation.

Player #4071088, lime juice

O, The pit absolutely works.

FRANKNSCHWEIN 9z i, Absolutely

Tina M.
I add a little lemon juice to keep it green. I also cover the guacamole with the plastic wrap literally touching the guacamole and gently press down to prevent any air from getting in. The results are a nice green guacamole.

FRANKNSCHWEIN 9z i, What are Avocado pips?

I love guacamole, but I am not a fan of cilantro (too bitter for my taste).. a little is okay, but can easily become overpowering.

Roma Naclef, it's different in England and Australia. they call both plant and seed coriander. different culture, same herb, different nouns! 🤗

loco, I'm sorry for your loss.😔

O, I just use True Lemon crystallized lemon.

Player #13286156
swish, not in England we have coriander, curly coriander and coriander powder first two are the green leaves and stalks the powder is the spice.

Roma Naclef
KAP, coriander is the spice, cilantro is the herb. same plant, different parts.

jerezaa, they're slick, slimy and gross!!

Those Aztecs could throw a party!

am I the only one who doesn't like guacamole or avocados?

Love it! Love it! Love it! but it only keeps for a day.