The Auschwitz Concentration Camp is located in which country?
Correct answer: Poland

Player #136386yoda
RoamingSurfer31771, the Armenian genocide happened during the beginning of WW1. the turks felt that these people were not good enough and they had to be eliminated like the Jews. this was before hitler. to this day the turks say it didn't happen. Millions were killed during this time. my grandma and aunt came here to ellis island. it took three yrs. on foot from Iran to the usa. This is a piece of history everyone shud know about. The movie the promise is about just that.


Player #1853334
The only time I ever got mad at God , & I'm not Jewish . I just don't understand man's inhumanity to their fellow man . It hurts .

My mother managed to survive Auswitz but lost both parents, grandparents and 6 of her siblings, also a multitude of aunts, uncles, cousins and neighbors. Although Jews are not the only people to face genocide, I defy anyone to name another race, religion or creed who have been discriminated against to the degree or for the length of time as have the Jews. And yes, we have gotten over it but we haven't forgotten, "Never again!"

Keek, Auschwitz complex was not a concentration camp. it was an extermination camp.

Player #5621402
It’s important to educate all school children about the holocaust. We must learn from this dreadful episode in our history so it is never repeated. My great cousin (he was a small child at the time) and his family were murdered here along with countless others. Remember them all.

My husband who is of Jewish descent, visited Auschwitz with his son, and was appalled and mortified by the irreverent and frivolous behaviour of some Americans who were taking selfies, and treating the place like a playground. He remonstrated with them, but the Guardian on duty that day, said it was a frequent problem with American visitors. No understanding, no respect, no knowledge or comprehension.

what's really, really sad is that The Holocaust wasn't even the worse genocide of the 20th century. It comes in third behind the Great Leap Forward and Stalin's purges, gulag and famines. It's better known than the others because Germany lost WW2 and most academicians are on the left so much more likely to write about Nazionale than Communists.

boydoeye52, And the Chinese are starting to reignite their love affair with Mao again. The man responsible for at least 60M deaths of his own people. We must remember that everytime we buy something that says Made in China.

Player #8988878Xet
Does anybody remember that 1960's comedy TV sit-com "HOGAN'S HEROES" ? The actor who played the French Corporal Le Beau...was Robert Auschwitz Survivor.

RoamingSurfer31771, my heart goes out to you and your family

Taramaiden, I apologize for idiocy flourishing in the USA. It can only be explained by lack of proper upbringing and rejection of God. These people sound completely devoid of information and guidance. They sound lost.

Player #8988878Xet, I heard that,he was also in a soap opera

blah blah blah
Player #8988878Xet, good information. Thank you for sharing

We as people are afraid of what we do not know!!! However, if we would only take the time to understand we would see there is no need to hate, but to only love those we don't understand!!!
People are people we are all human!! Love one another!!!

Paula J
One of the problems with human beings is our tendency to exert power over those we perceive as weak. and then we like to compare and compete our tragedies it’s like we are playing who suffering is more.

welsh owl
I've a friend who visited and talking to one of the guides who said he'd put food outside the gates for the wildlife and some inside the gate they never touched the food inside, similarly it's said that birds won't fly over the camp

Player #55741825
RoamingSurfer31771, in the United Kingdom we honour those who lost everything,persecuted for their religion,my parents who were involved in the Second World War brought us up to understand the importance of the atrocities of the Jewish people and to learn from it,its not the first time in Jewish history that discrimination has happened and it needs to end now

Unfortunately, we are not learning from history. In China alone there are 3 different genocides taking place. And we continue to buy Chinese products. And it's important to know that the CCP is responsible and not the citizens.

RoamingSurfer31771, Bless your family. 😔, I'm sorry for your loss.

It is ashame that in the 21st century our society continues to have hate for the Jewish community. I pray for peace for not just the Jewish but those who have been hurt by hatred. I teach my granddaughter that we are all human beings and that we should remember that we can put a stop if we just see the smile or a thank you.

Player #38618593
Player #1853334, Let me understand... you saw man's inhumanity to man and you got mad at . . . God?

KnowThyself, Yes, the Amerindians suffered greatly and despite being denied attempts to exterminate them are true. Such cruelty!😢

RoamingSurfer31771, The African race!!!

....By far, most of those murdered in the camps were Jews.

CripplingLoon88909, I am ex military and have served in W.Germany. The school children are taught all about Hitler and what he did, and they are taught never to allow it to happen again.

Player #15881782
boydoeye52, everyone forgets about the 7 million Ukrainians Stalin starved to death or the 140 million that perished during his reign in forced labor camps.

Cha Cha
cocoa, Me too, just over 40 years ago but I will never forget how it made me feel when I read the Diary of Anne Frank!!

Sully Girl
RockNRollMama82, I read that book. Brilliant mind. I was very touched by the address he gave at the presentation of a(I think) literary award. He did so much for the Jewish community. its been many years since I read it but at the time it made me want to seek out other book by him also to do some research on the Holocaust.

mendel 234
Zyklon-B, commonly known as Hydrogen Cyanide, was the has used in Auschwitz. other major camps in Poland included belzec, chelmno, majdanek, sobibor, and treblinka.

I'm american & I learned of the holocaust from school 40 yrs ago. Diary of Anne Frank was required reading.

Player Gigi #28446253
Player #136386yoda, we didn't know/learn, and it happened AGAIN! Spread the word so it won't repeat!

Player Gigi #28446253
the final sentence in this asks if you have heard of this!!! If anyone hasn't heard of it someone had better tell them. The idea that it might be unknown to anyone angers me!
Warning! emotion explosion!

Player #29492064, EXACTLY. I will put that book on my "to read" list.

Player #8988878Xet, did not know thus! Thank you

RushMama2112, My uncle's (by marriage to my maternal aunt) mother was rushed out of Russia to Canada during WWII fir fear that she would've been tossed into a Concentration Camp as she was a Jew.

boydoeye52, You are correct. Cambodia's Pol Pot murdered many people as did Stalin, who I believe killed the most.

Paco, Actually, it was a combination. Read (or listen) to the book, "The Night" by Ellie Wiesel, who spent time there as a teenager.

Player #1853334, and that's why it's imperative that Auschwitz remains standing. So that we remember.

On my bucket list to visit and have a good cry.
My next door neighbor growing up, Gertrude, was at Auschwitz, in the Birkenau area. I saw the tattoo of her number, on the inside of her lower left arm. My mother insisted she was just a secretary, but she was still there. She wasn't Jewish; she was Catholic. Six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis, but there were 7 million others also murdered by the Nazis, including Catholics, homosexuals, those with mental illness, the disabled and more.
The Auschwitz Camp remains standing as a reminder of what occurred there as well as other concentration camps in the hopes that it will never happen again.