What happened to Benjamin Button in the movie “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”?
Correct answer: He was born a man who ages in reverse

As of this date as I write this comment, Brad Pitt is 61 years old. I’m thinking he might like to have the “Benjamin Button” syndrome now. Who wouldn’t appreciate shifting into reverse and watch ourselves getting younger once we hit a certain senior age? Sounds like fun to me!

BonBon, Yes, because u wouldn't make the same mistakes. Most likely, u would take ur time and enjoy life more!! ;)

no matter what you do in life, the end is the same for all. just be a good person

love this movie....both characters ageing at different times but both have a love interest in one another...However as the saying goes...the timing just wasn't right...until they meet in the middle of their (once in a lifetime) and both are at the perfect age, the romance is beautiful and time really does stand still for both...until things start to move again...but sadly in different directions....

Sara ♡
ooo i read about this in my school textbook last year and it was almost unbeliavable!!!