What did John Lawson Johnston invent when Napoleon III ordered one million cans of beef in the early 1870s?
Correct answer: Bovril

OldHitman92611, things are still tough for many today and bovril is a good hearty drink

Being a Brit, I've both put some in a slow cooker recipe today and had a drink made from it on a cold and windy January day. Traditional here along with Marmite. Couldn't choose be
tween the two!

Carol, sounds like American bullion cubes

PeacefulRecourse7, Expensive though. During the world wars oxo cubes were given to the Home Guard in the UK to have a hot drink during the night watch. Do not know if that was rations or not though

Bovril in a beaker with hot water was breakfast for many. If you had money you could splurge for an all-day breakfast after eleven, when pubs opened. You could also get a bacon sarnie and cuppa at a working man's caff.