What is heterochromia?
Correct answer: Both eyes are not the same color

toothless beachrat
I went to high school with a girl who had one blue and one brown eye, it used to make me upset if I heard someone making fun of her, and I would tell them to knock it off.

Nikola V
Do gay people have this disorder, or they have to choose if they have it or not?

Player Don1
Jane Seymour

Lou Lou
The word “both” seems redundant in the question.

Paige, My brother has green eyes with a patch of brown in one . Cool !!

Who doesn’t know about Athena aux yeux pers meaning one blue and one green

my eyes were deep brown until my early 3o's,now they're green/gray. was told that it's rare to have 2 eye colors in one lifetime.

My son had blue eyes with a brown splotch in one eye. I wonder if that counts?

well donе, a bit scientific, but good