The National Mustard Museum is located in which U.S. state?
Correct answer: Wisconsin

I so have to go there - what's not to love about mustard? love all of the facts we get in the answers.

Wisconsin great for cheese and now mustards Yum Yum LOL

Player #27355
That’s it!! I’m going!!

Mustard does go well with cheese.

Player #13633631
Been there. Well worth the trip. Have a sweatshirt that says mustard happens

Anyone ever tried mustard inside a grilled cheese sandwich? I didn't think I'd like it and I was SO wrong! Any mustard will any grilled cheese is just plain yummy!

Player #24358685
Humans have been using mustard for at least 8,000 years.

Callie Rose
Wisconsin, brats, mustard, Leinlenkugel Summer Shandy and Packers, tailgating at Lambeau field, an unbeatable combination.

Player #38618593, ketchup does not belong on hot dogs only mustard relish and onions

Player #38618593
So sorry for people who only put ketchup on their hot dogs. A dash of mustard wakes everything up!

I have been!!

Mischevious Mike
We've been there a few times. Interesting.

Player #21823189
WI has a mustard festival every year. It's interesting, to say the least!

my daughter lives in Middleton and I was just there visiting! Did not know that?