Who was William Tyndale?

Correct answer: First to translate the New Testament into English from Greek

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What people think about it: 8 Comments
Ruling clergy was afraid of losing dominion over the multitudes if they could read and understand the scriptures for themselves . So what's a little murder when there's money at stake. Hypocrites.
Player #4383989
Player #4383989
Diver Dan, agree that there are many who misuse God's Word, translations that are poor, but a discerning reader can study and find the truth. some preachers put in the time and dedication to peach truth. please don't confuse money - hungry tv preachers for Christians. these people are fill of greed. the Bible states that you will know Christians by their "fruit" as well as their love for one another.
Player Meyer
Player Meyer
His translation was a huge step forward in allowing people to read and understand God’s word
time ran out, but these answers took more time to read
Player #14501527
Player #14501527
Diver Dan, the very ones who should have backed him were viciously opposed, Interestingly it was the clergy who instigated the death of Christ.
Chezikeets - Money at stake, yes, but most importantly, the POWER of the clergy was at stake. If the people could read, study and understand the Bible for themselves, they would KNOW the truth. The clergy, including the hierarchy, would lose their power to keep the people in subjection to themselves.
dicenotlice, turn off the TV. Start reading books. Reading any kind of books even if they are childrens books ~even if you read them out loud will help improve your reading comprehension.
Player #4383989, Agreed