What is this aircraft?
Correct answer: B-52

My Dad was a navigator on B-52s and B-1s. I had better get it right, haha.

I am retired AF member and these are awesome!

BMan, my dad was a 22 year retired AF pilot. Thank you for your service!

ChiseledEngineer2536, thank to your dad and family for their service.! god bless the usa

my father was a b-52 pilot for 20 years.

Player #1302095
saw a b-52 strike while in Vietnam in 1966. WOW

Player #15590500
I worked on these bomber for 8 years of my life.. cool seeing it as a trivia question

NOFX, I think we can safely say that we created them so we don’t have to use them.

Wow, thanks to all of you who served our great country!

Bong Brain
Also a good band. Am I right?

Player #68738491
B 52 is also a punk rock band in the 80's
Rock Lobster

Aim high ! An iconic and important aircraft. Protecting U.S. interests around the globe.
Wright Patterson AFB is a great place to visit!

Giggle Pig
Victoria, if you can visit one of the Air Force museums; there’s one in Robbins Air Force Base Georgia, and one at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.

Giggle Pig
Brew, the Air Force calls it the boneyard.

Giggle Pig
Strategic air power the ability to deliver power to any point in the world – the real strength of the US Armed Forces.

Bong Brain, Rock Lobster

it was a rock...Rock Lobster!

My husband wasn't here to ask. He's a Navy guy and knows all about military stuff.

TJ SISTER, my father-in-law worked at Carlswell from 1950 til he retired in the 1980's . Probably worked on the B52s. He was an electrician.

There is a movie from the 1990s, MEMPHIS BELL, which is incredibly well done! A must see for all!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
Rissa Firecat , I appreciate your husband's service!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
Player DCGrandma, I thank your husband's service!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
Player #11903348, I thank your brother for his service!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
Richsap, thanks for your service!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
Seahorse, amen!!!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
Neil, agreed!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
JF, I thank your husband for his faithful service!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
Player #89621848, thank you for your service!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
Woman on Fire, amen, sister!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
Paula, I thank your dad for faithful service!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
Dr. Deb, amen!!!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
Player #14938689, God bless your brother and I thank him for his service!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
TopDogGangsta27258, amen!!!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
ChiseledEngineer2536, I thank your dad for his service!

Timbo USN (Ret.)
BMan, thank you for your service!

the Breeze
I saw an airshow at Selfridge AFB around 1990. They flew it in front of the grandstand and pulled it straight up. I was impressed.

Player #15590500,
My dad also worked on these massive aircraft. For all his 20 year career in the AF. All right dad

Woman on Fire
Thank you to all of you who served or have family that served. Bless you all with a wonderful holiday season.

It's great that humans can be so inventive like the zigzag shape to confuse radar. But it's sad that this talent is used for war. Bless the future when killing is a thing of the past.

Some people saw this plane coming and that was the last thing they saw.