Which of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World is the oldest?
Correct answer: The Great Pyramid of Giza

I love the history.. so beautiful.

How amazing to have been able to see them all!

Player #1137636
Can I get that time machine I ordered, already!?

Rudra Raman
oldest, yet the only ancient wonder remaining in real.

and it's the only one that is still standing to date

Player #10639782
Egypt was the first world power

* Seshati *
Player #10639782, have forgotten the Sumerian’s ... ancient Persia

Giza, is an old geezer as we say here in Britannia

MadMarcus1812, Only in England, the Scots don't pronounce geezer without the r on the end.

Player #10639782, not sure about that?

Hayyat Jutt
can someone recommend a book about the pyramid age of egypt easily available online??

What was the Hanging Garden of Babylon hanging on?

i learned this in school...my major is history..i just love it.

Roaring Radcliffe
that was easy

Player Winnie
Where is my Tardis to go back in time

BrinyAmbassador192, me too

That's on my bucket list 😊.

amazing... it is the only remaining ancient wonder that is real

I am not interested in history, it is boring but my history teacher and parents tell me that it is very interesting. What should I do now?

The oldest, yet the only one standing! Awesome. Please protect it for the future generations.

Player #40236271
The pyramids Egypt's are the constructions that are most mysterious on the earth ,& some say them to be the centres for communication for the other world namely aliens I support this theory & also think likewise
The great pyramids of Giza really said ✨im here to stay✨

Player Gigi #28446253
RockNRollMama82, I'm still standing!!!

Player Gigi #28446253
* Seshati *, that would be the Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Player #25874027
For one tiny moment I looked for Joan Collins in the choices

Umm... why isn't the Taj Mahal on the list
this needs to be updated
good info tho

Centenarian, they actually were resurrection machines for Pharoahs Khufu and Kafre, from the 4th Dynasty, in the 26th century B.C., according to Wikipedia. So that's THOUSANDS of years, about 4500 years, old.

History, I love history. I wish I could go back in time to see all these wonderful things

A guy with no friends
why don't the government create an 8th wonder

Happy Journey
It's so miraculous...🧱

Also the only one still standing, if I’m not mistaken

* Seshati *
Lenny the Clam, apparently one was white, one was red & one was black.

Player Elf Council
Top 5: Global Trivia, From where did you get that nonsense?

Gman 49
the colossus would have been older