Which southern town was never under Confederate control during the U.S. Civil War?
Correct answer: Key West, Florida

Wow. Didnt know that!

I love to learn our history. It is ALWAYS worth learning .

l feel good when I learn a new thing or two

very interestef

Great history! Love it!!

though it is southern, a lot of Florida's inhabitants were still very Spanish thinking and not many of them supported the war

Fascinating! I took a lucky guess and got it right! Learning so much history from this game.

Me Ski
history is so AWESOME and should stay that way.... history IS part of who we are!

IdiotEmoji123, only when it's the truth a lot and I do mean a lot of African Americans historywas left out so was the American Indian

I lived in Florida most of my life and did not know this! Amazing!

Florida was less inundated with the slavery, there was some greater acceptance of human beings and less prejudice, but its history is still something to remember about the great USA.

I was thinking Florida was still under Spanish control, so I didn't choose that, but I think that changed a lot earlier than the Civil War.

IdiotEmoji123, Much of it and world history has been hidden,,,,on purpose. 😢

is that why they refer to themselves as The Conch Republic? did I spell that right?

Cat Mom
LukewarmDistance6, I thought they starved the confederates

Cat Mom
Player #9400298 lilt, will do that, thanks!

Cat Mom
tish, lol

Cat Mom
Harrisonford90210, and lol to your name too

Cat Mom
bylbutler, Awesome for you! Does he live in a "Love Shack"?

Cat Mom
DeepThinker, I did the same! Used the 2nd chance booster but got it right with my 1st guess

One of the joys of this game which can't be mentioned enough is we ALL learn something by playing

make too many changes and you will forget your past mistakes.

Player #104284531
Makes sense since it was in a difficult area to reach.

Kanye West question is inappropriate for history or social studies, in my opinion.

that must have been quite a feat keeping the confederates out of key west. I wish I knew how they did it. they were better off not getting involved.

Headline: Florida Man Skips Civil War

I've vacationed in Key West 27 times. I knew this!

Player #22441585
Floridian born and raised! 🏖❤️

Player JD
DeepThinker, heck I learned so much i missed it on two guesses

they were too busy partying to get involved.

Play grananny
Player #19940743, Not me. I like to vacay up north where it's cool and mountainous.

Play grananny
DeepThinker, Me too

Daniel A.
Have you heard Mississippi has a new flag?
Change is good!

Player #19009756
Jezzy. Texas has more Spanish them Florida.

Player #18996322
gravedigger, silk road

Player #18996322
Player #2523633, thank you

Player #18996322
SanSam66, I tried

Player #18996322
Mother95Goose, thank you