Who is this character?
Correct answer: Father Guido Sarducci

Oh how I miss the old SNL stars. They were magical together!

Player #1027355
Love Guido! Wish SNL had the comedic genius of the 70"s

Oh, you mean when SNL was actually funny, not a constantly unfunny political statement?

nimblemoon, Remember when it was FUNNY?

I can still hear that accent. I miss the old SNL.

Back in the 70's snl was the bomb an I especially loved gilda radner.... Rose Anna danna... an that's the way the news goes..💜🤗

"Finda da Pope ina da Pizza" was a Classic.

Swampy Acres
Player #1027355, Nothing compares to the original cast. Never been the same.

hungry wolf
loved this character

I remember seeing him, on the Smother Brothers, as well. He is hilarious!

Player #1027355, they are so stinking politically correct every Saturday I watch it for a few minutes and then have to turn it off no offense to gay people at all but even my gay friends here in Phoenix Arizona are like oh my gosh I just want a gum it down your throat

Omg he’s hilarious! SNL was so great then!!! I love that character & Rosanne Rosannadanna!

Mom mom Cindy
cheeseburger, cheeseburger... No Coke, Pepsi

Mars V
What’s so darn ahard about a dog’s alife?! Eat and asleep, eat and asleep!

nimblemoon, me too SNL isn't funny anymore

One of thee best love shows on the 70's.

Christine ~ RN
My husband and I enjoy reading aloud with one another before going to sleep and coincidentally we just finished ‘The Little World of Don Camillo.’ The book was written in 1943, I believe. It is delightful. Don Camilo is an ‘enemy’ of the Communist mayor and visa versa. The truth is, both are good men and care deeply about the community but being ‘enemies’ is what is expected of a priest and a Communist so they take on the role of ‘enemy.’ It is seen throughout the book that they respect and care a lot for each other but that admiration cannot be public. It is quite funny. Both are bombastic fellows. The Communist mayor also happens to be a believer.

Swampy Acres
Curmudgeon, I agree. Don't want/need political opinion crammed down my throat. I want comedy.

SNL was funny back in my day. Now, political trash.

Lost Pup
Saw him live, at a dinner show in Ct. Early 90’s. Still funny,and entertaining!

HolaKrmac, Mr Tea vs Mr Coffee, before The A Team was popular.

Dog Collar ??????

Player #5100533
MadMarcus1812, I take it you NEVER watched TV in the 70's.???

"Road to Gandalfo" and "Road to Omaha" are both LOL reading.

Player elguapo
ThePurplePrincess, never too late to catch up. you might want to check out Monty python's flying circus.

Player elguapo
Frito77, find the Pope in the pizza

nimblemoon, He was arrested in Italy for portraying a priest.

Never heard of him. So I went for the one I've never heard of wearing a clerical collar.

flowercat0523, Too many questions related to things only known in America

Never heard of him! I guess that’s th penalty of playing cross Atlantic game. Lol