Who was the first person to be buried in St. Paul's Cathedral?
Correct answer: Christopher Wren

CyanJaguar62, It's not obscure if you're English. And I'm not complaining about all the questions concerning baseball and American football that I don't know the answer to!

CyanJaguar62, there are questions about everyone and everywhere. it's a trivia game play or don't but please stop complaining

SloaneRanger2019, thank you both. I haven't been to Europe but studied art. We all learned about Christopher Wren, so there's another way to pick up facts. There was another còmplainer who thankfully seems to be gone! Why do they play if they hate it so much?

Although his body is therre, There is monument, just a plain slab. However the inscription says it all: Si monumentum requiris circumspice. (If you seek his monument, lookl around)

Although he is buried there, their is no monument or statue of Wren, just a slab. However thesays it all: Si monumentum requiris circumspice (

Player #31247681
oh shame on me, I'm a London and have been inside a few times but I guessed Samuel Pepys as thought he would be oldest, oops

SloaneRanger2019, hear, hear!!

303RPB, Edify: to instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually. [synonyms: educate, instruct, teach, school, tutor, coach, train, guide, etc.].