What is the highest heart rate measured in a hummingbird?
Correct answer: 1260

beautiful birds!

Small but Fascinating Bird🐦

My mom had a hummingbird feeder near her back porch. We loved to sit and watch them during the summer.

Player #2542921, i also enjoy the humming birds and agree they stop mid air right in front of my face .i know when they're coming they make a clicking sound they are a joy

Player #9442102
flowercat0523, I actually caught one that was frantically trying to get out of our garage. The poor bird was ramming into the window. I gently caught it with 2 fingers. His heart was beating very fast. When I let him go outside he zoomed into the sky.

Tina's twin
just last year i found dozens of tiny hummingbird nests in my trumpet flower vine. this vine was a gift from my twin sis when i was moving to NY. up there it remained a small seedling..never flowered. i moved back home & it has become a tree sized vine w tons of birds & flowers. this is more important now because she died this past Nov. RIP

Truly amazing creatures. Incidentally, if you plan on feeding them - don't use the Commercial brands which contain food dye. Granulated sugar (one to four parts water) works just fine.

Amazing act of God's creation

Wow! Just getting mine up to 28 is hard enough.

No mention of how long a time period

The question does not give units, so you have to guess at the answer.

Mark C.
How did they keep up with the hummingbird?

Player #51526543
ExtendedGem4, beautiful bird 🐦 it is

Player #2512936
What an amazing bird. Also The Tail bird of Caribbean Airlines.

How would that even measure that?