Dr. Jonas Salk developed a vaccine for which virus in 1955?

Correct answer: Polio

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What people think about it: 40 Comments
In 1955, our rural school was one of the first places inoculations were given. I received it then and had no ill effects. Many people in our country had various forms of that dreaded disease, some even in iron lungs. Thank God, men and women were and are willing to search and research to find cures.
And he released the patent on the vaccine, so it could be made cheaply and rapidly deployed to everyone. He turned down millions of dollars in the name of public health, and when asked why he said "How can you patent the Sun?"
He saved millions worldwide from death and disability.
PLEASE vaccinate!!! I knew ppl with polio. horrible disease. why do you think they started the March of Dimes so many years ago? I think if more ppl saw what these diseases actually did then they might be able to get past the BS that scares them now!!! I took my kids to old grave yards and showed them the high mortality rates of children before vaccines. my grandson has been vaccinated with no ill effects, as we're my children and myself!!!
Thank god for individuals who dedicate their life's work for the human cause
Player #2338509
Player #2338509
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks describes how Salk was able to do the research due to the unwitting contribution of Henrietta Lacks and the discovery of HELA cells. My grandmother survived polio but had long lasting effects. Amazing and important research. Thank you Lacks family!
Player #1614550
Player #1614550
I am one that is thankful for this man for finding a vaccine for this horrible disease. I'm one of it's victim that survived from death but my left leg was effective by this disease since I was 1/12 and now am 62 years old.
Please vaccinate your children you are saving their lives. You do not want to watch your infant child dying of whooping cough.
I was one of his human test subjects. After you had your shot we were given juice and a cookie.
PJ2800: In high school in the late 50’s, the polio vaccine was administered by needle. In later years, there developed an oral vaccine.
I see signs at a hospital "End Polio " when I go to church nearby.
NimbleCavalier81232, you are right!
Player #82905928, I wonder why? Perhaps, possibly, just possibly, the big pharmacies realized there's more money in "treating" than curing?
Player #142468225
Player #142468225
What an amazing man, total respect to him x
Easy for me, since I'm a research scientist in Microbiology
Smokey Rules, he sacrificed money to save millions that's a outstanding move I thought it was dange fever or malaria I didn't even know lol ( excuse me 🙄
Pagan1946, And if it failed you would be getting a drip and jelly ? just Adding ☠️
Nerak 7
Nerak 7
I am thankful. I think there are doctors today that need to be listened to..I think to much emphasis is on more medicating people rather than finding a cure.
It's good to know
F8os6s13, In the spring of 1954, when I was in 1st grade, I was what they called a "Polio Pioneer." Our school was one of the ones who were part of the human trials. Some got the vax & some a placebo. No one knew which. We moved to Indiana the summer of '54. In 1955, when the vax came out for everyone the no one had any idea what to do with me. They were afraid of me getting a 2nd dose if I'd had the vax. My mother contacted the school & they had to contact the people running the test & see which group I'd been in--actual or placebo. I still have the letter they sent to my mother saying I was in the group who got the vax. Now, thinking about it, my parents were very brave, letting me be part of that test group.
Polio is a very dangerous and serious disease
Wannabe Vulcan
Wannabe Vulcan
Pagan1946, not to mention a life free of polio.
Player #82905928
Player #82905928
he invented it because his wife had it and no one else had come up with a cure yet. it is the last disease in this country to have been cured.
another Tesla! need more people like them
Player #2338509, Thank you so much for mentioning this important detail.
THANK YOU Dr. Jonas for saving more lives.
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
laughingnomeKeKe, wow now that’s the way to behave, be good to one another, spread to love, the wisdom, the good health, wealth & happiness. Lol sorry was a flower child in my younger years never quite grew out of it lol just got older & worn by time .. but one can dream.
Player #16231143
Player #16231143
Suekirider, h
Player #2338509, there's an American podcast called radiolab that did an episode on Henrietta Lacks. It was fascinating
Player #14436005
Player #14436005
zcor Us ofu from my mom's phone number 's
Player #9623282
Player #9623282
Jack McBride, you are still and forever my closest friend, tragically taken by poliomyelitis in the prime of a life so full of energy and wit, of sensitivity and insight, that I cannot accept your absence from school, from ingenious prankdom, nor from The Debating Society of Merry Jane, so I say come home soon, for we love you, Jack.
**DDT not Deet.
F8os6s13, Polio is prolific in West Africa. I had 3 friends in New Zealand who had had polio and lived with the results: twisted back, a shortened leg and paralysis. I was lucky to have been given the medicine.
F8os6s13, I was a young schoolgirl when I was bussed with my new classmates to someplace out in the country and injected with the polio vaccine. When I told the doctor the worst part of taking the polio vaccine for me was the sugar cube, he said I didn't have to have it on a cube. It doesn't taste like anything at all. He squirted mine in my mouth and I swallowed it. Much better. .r
Smokey Rules
Smokey Rules
laughingnomeKeKe, Didn’t know he released the patent. He was a great humanitarian.
 Beverley  Australia
Beverley Australia
F8os6s13, I had polio as a child. It does not go way I was About 6 years old. I thought I over it along with many others only From time to time. We noticed weakness in our legs. Or other parts that where infected I get told off don’t drug your feel. A lot of things Now they know post polio,is very real after Something dramatic happens to you with each child I had I noticed my limbs got weaker. Now at 72. I can’t walk I am not alone. There a. People all over the world with post polio,most now in their 60 and older. But it does show up as white specks. In body. So it’s still with us
Malaayna, Actually, it's a subcue injection (under the top layer of skin) not an IM injection.
Player #1659406 TRE, since you got the injection, it most likely helped you fight off the newly acquired polio virus in your system.
Malaayna, Sabin-oral- live virus. Salk-killed virus, subcutaneous injection
Elliecat123, excellent credible information