Who was on the best selling poster of all time?
Correct answer: Farrah Fawcett

Player #96919
Player #2342698, I watched the documentary on her living with the cancer showing her having treatment up until the day she died, it was so sad, such a horrible disease. r.i.p Farrah

Player. Ty
What teenage male didn't have that poster,,,, Or wanted One!!!!!😍

Player #2342698
oh Farrah, you were in so many fantasies!! Things were never the same since!!

I remember, watching Charlie's Angel. She was my favorite ❤️. She is at peace, with the Lord.

Player #12643099
Had that hanging in my room.

Both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson died on the same day. She fought for her life and MJ just gave his life away and yet- who do we tend to remember more??

Died same day as Michael Jackson.

thebigtabu, She was never married to Ryan O’Neal. He is accused of beating her as well as another former boyfriend James Orr. Lee Majors was her husband but never beat her.

Player #17449991, sure do wish I still had mine! Was thumb tacked to my bedroom wall next to a Dallas Cowboys Roger Staubach poster. I was 11 years old at that time

Dude! TMI!

Be wise
I can still picture it in my mind. Rip Farrah.

Player. Ty, I had her poster right above my bed!!!!

Wannabe Vulcan
If Andy Dufresne had stayed in prison for another decade, Farrah would have replaced Raquel Welch in his cell.

Player #25553008
AnnieOzone, So true sir!!!

RockNRollMama82, my younger sister had that Farrah haircut. 😂

Yeah it hung on my bedroom inner door. My Mom put up with it I guess cuz it was concealed while the door was open so she didn't have to see it. 😎

Player #16702581
I'm sure my 1st. boyfriend still has this poster..hard to compete with her on his wall. However I didn't realize how beautiful I was at 17. wish I had but now realize I had those young girl insecurities.

Player #22589120
I was a teenager in the 70's. Couldn't go to the mall without seeing that poster.

My older sister had the poster as she wanted to be Farrah Fawcett