What did Alexander Samuelson patent the design of in 1915?
Correct answer: Coca-Cola bottle

Player. Ty
Some of those Real Old Coke Bottles are worth $$$$$.😎

Very interesting, especially since I'm from Indiana!!

Guillermo Jr.
I will choose Coke over Pepsi till the day I die.. even after.. as if St. Peter is not a Coke guy.. then it is not heaven

ahh... those Swedes! 😉

Player #3241724
Player #3932144, when I was a teenager women were told they had a figure like a Coke a cola bottle. you know small waist.

My dad always told us kids that the first thing he noticed about our mom was she a figure shaped like a Coca Cola bottle

I found it very upsetting that production of Coca-Cola prevents people access to drinking water in Mexico and forced mothers to give cola to their toddlers. This is so wrong, I've never touched the drink again and believe did me good.

guy down in Terre Haute won a bowling alley!

Player #3023804, not me

uh umbrella umbrella um