Who is the concertmaster in an orchestra?
Correct answer: Leader or first chair of the first violin section

The tuba guy gets no respect

Montana Lady
Yea... but how fast can they fiddle upside-down to amuse a crowd of drunk bluegrass fans?
(I'm absolutely kidding, I appreciate all forms of music.)

always wished I could play the violin-to make such beautiful music!

Player #21374632
RushMama2112, wow , must be really special to play in a large group of musicians, amazing music

Holly Rose
Player #21374632, Did it for two years, playing percussion. awesome experience.

Montana Lady, I get your point & it's well taken. A formal orchestral audience is surely more restrained, reserved, and most would agree, less enthusiastic than, let's say, a bluegrass music audience. That doesn't mean they are less appreciative.

* Seshati *
Montana Lady, haha great comment, not to mention good point.

The entire orchestra tunes to the First Chair OBOE.

I thought in UK they are simply called First Violin?

They are, but in most orchestras there is more than one first violin- most music scores split the violins into several sections, so all the first violinists play the same part, however the leader 'first chair' on the first violinists is the leader of the orchestra. The conductor is not necessarily part of the orchestra (although they usually are), they instruct the orchestra in how to follow the score.

I made first chair for 3 years when I got to play in school. Very fond memories.

I guessed. Didn't know this.

no clue whatsoever...

Player #1081396
pure guess