What is the name of the sound cats make when they are happy and relaxed?
Correct answer: Purring

They also purr when in great pain. Truly "a mystery, wrapped in an enigma". (Yes, I know the quote belongs elsewhere, but it fits cats much better).

Myffa, I guess it's a coping mechanism. But I am most familiar with the happy, content purr.

The Holeshot
Sasquatch is the same

My cat's name is Charley-girl. When she's purring...I know she is content and happy. Purring is a positive sound from a cat. 😽😸😌😻😼😽😾❤️

cat's are special creatures were there is so many things such has black cats are lucky white cats are not and it applies both ways the pharaoh had cats as lucky in the after life and now purring some people say it's a sign a cat is happy were others say a cat is un happy ether way we will never no the the real truth.

I really didn't need to know that last tid bit. makes me wonder how they obtained that information.

I love my cat's so muchhhh, they always fight and purr to me after ❤️