Which of your teeth are used for cutting and chopping your food?

Correct answer: Incisors

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What people think about it: 8 Comments
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
Diver Dan, Indeed that is why true vegans must take vitamin B 12 supplements because it is a vitamin that needs meat protein to develop. Without B 12 humans will develop pernicious anemia.
Refrakki, baboons eat meat. look it up, they are opportunistic eaters and they eat meat amongst other things as you said.
Player #19176333
Player #19176333
Incisors cut - molars chop
Player #5349752
Player #5349752
incisors. do not chop food.
incisors "cut" and molars "chop" not a proper question
Iron, hahaha 😂 not sure why but that just made laugh a little to long.
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
Refrakki, Baboons are omnivores and eat meat too
Diver Dan, many herbivores do indeed have canines. Think of gorillas, camels, hippos, baboons to name just few examples. Then contemplate human lack of claws and protruding wide opening jaws.