What’s the original purpose of Taj Mahal?
Correct answer: Royal mausoleum

Player #3275149
went here last year and as soon as we saw it we all gasped as it's so magical and far more beautiful that seeing a picture. Amazing place 😊

Player #30408675
My dad has often told me the story of how my grandmother ,who was born in Agra, played on the grounds of the Taj Mahal as a little girl...i imagine she would have had some wonderful stories to tell..

AGRA - crossword puzzle enthusiasts know it well

there were precious stones inlaid in the carvings on the walls & ceilings . During colonial rule in India the British removed all of them . Same as they removed the treasures of several palaces & forts

The Tajmahal is not the most beautiful building in India. Period!

Iron, the science of acoustics. No ghosts involved.

There are more temples in India than the Taj Mahal, the craftsmanship of which will amaze the mind.

Iron, Nope, just the building's inner structure.

First, Taj Mahal was a Hindu Temple Tejo-Mahalay, a Shiva temple which was built in 1155 AD by Raja Paramardi Dev and a Sanskrit inscription too supports the conclusion that the Taj originated as a Siva temple.
Read the book "The Truth of Taj Mahal" by P.N.Oak.

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
PPandey, rather "one of the most beautiful historical structure" would be more fitting, there are plenty of beautiful modern architectural structures in India.

please show more question related to India

Abhishek, actually yes but since it's related to Hinduism no one will pay attention

there are many other actually beautiful monuments and structures in India which would put even the Taj Mahal to shame.

There were many other more beautiful sites in India like the kedarnath temple, Badri, Rishikesh and Golden temple. Special mentions.. tirupati temple of lord Balaji.
It con be mentioned as "one of the beautiful" sites in India

HuH, how terrible! awful thieves, may they rot!

Player #52565397
PPandey, agree

Funny how people thought it is a palace. sone hotels are named after the Taj Mahal.