The gin and tonic originated in which country?

Correct answer: India

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What people think about it: 6 Comments
GandTs will get you through a long, sweltering Summer.
Player #96919
Player #96919
GiGi2010, There are so many different flavoured gins around and I have tasted loads with lemonade added and I have to say that I love them all
Player karisma
Player karisma
Loving the rhubarb gin at the moment... With tonic. Have tried it with lemonade too but it doesn't taste like gin anymore.
Miss Sue
Miss Sue
Gin is the worst tasting alcohol in the U.S.A. !!!
Known as Gin and IT when it was first invented. Indian Tonic.
Loved TnT Tanquray and Tonic until I got pregnant after 18 years. I now have a 48 y/o and a 30 y/