Which European country has had a significant population decline since 1845?
Correct answer: Republic of Ireland

Player #25874027
Player Fenian,
With today’s perspective , most peoples have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.
Whatever my grandparents and my grandparents did in the course of their lifetimes died with them .
The only things people need to proud of or ashamed of, are the things they have done or not done in their lifetime.
I regret the treatment of the Irish , but the British (my people) treated most people poorly, I cannot be ashamed on their behalf.
I regret the slavery of the 17th to 19th centuries. Am I ashamed of it? How can I be as I wasn’t there.
However I regret and am ashamed that in the 21st century more people are in slavery than in those previous times.
I regret and feel ashamed that some people believe that bombing innocent people including children will somehow prove their beliefs be they political , religious or criminal , will somehow enhance and enrich the human state.

Sailor Blue
Player #25874027, Well said. I wish more people would look at the past as being just that, the past.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #25874027, Thank you for sharing your point of view, feelings & beliefs. The world would be a much better place if more people were to look at things the same way & move foreward. We cannot change the past, but we can improve upon the present & future.

Player #1489294
Ireland during the potato famine had many Irish imigrate to I believe went to Montreal Canada were there still remains a huge rock near Victoria Bridge marking the occasion, unless it has been removed.

Player Fenian
The reason England"took" so many Irish was not a sign of compassion. Irish were sold into slavery and for those that went of their own free will it was as far as the little money they had would allow them to travel. With today's perspective on equality and tolerance, England has much to be ashamed of.

Player #27149342 pixie, it wasnt the only crop. majority of produce was shipped to the uk during an gorta mhòr.

Player #25874027, Player #25874027
I totally agree with you. As an human I regret many things from the past but I can not do anything about it. I have Many countries committed atrocities I under many different names and they were all wrong. We can only learn from them and make sure they are not committed again.

Player #27149342 pixie, on the contrary, the English landowners had the Irish grow many different crops which were then sent to Britain. The Irish were only allowed to grow potatoes for themselves. When the blight struck the other crops continued to be exported and were not given to the Irish.

Player #27149342 pixie
it was also very bad farming management to rely only one crop, to make it worse, I think only one particular variety was grown, hence the speedy crop failure.

Wow. OK, I understand the passion but this is a game. A game testing our knowledge and memory should be fun. I for one enjoy the personal comments and life experiences. We aren't here to solve world politics. We're here to play a game. ♡

Dreadfully phrased question - Ireland's population has not been in decline "since" 1845.

It’s 2024, ladies & gentlemen, & there’s an ongoing genocide happening under the eyes of the whole world & NO ONE, especially UK & USA, is doing anything to stop it!! While it all started 76 years ago because the British promised & gave other peoples’ land to people who have no right to it, & yes, I’m talking about Gaza & Palestine… so NO, lesson not learned & nothing is forgotten or forgiven

Player #1489294, the rock is still there! I live close by

Player #25874027, perfectly stated! To bad all people don’t have this perspective today instead of blaming our generation!

May God (Allah)bless us all Ameen.

Player #25874027, oh 😥😞

If we don't remember the past and learn from it we are destined to repeat it. That being said, forgive and move forward. I think Ireland has certainly done that.

Player #8258475, you wouldn’t say that if you were directly affected by it.

the population of Ireland reached its peak over to 8 million

Sailor Blue, it is said that if we don't learn from our mistakes we are bound to repeat them. just look at what's happening in USA right now with regard to people of colour & people from the "latino" countries

Mars V
Longest answer gambit pays off again!😃

The Britain did the same in South Asia. Calcutta's Famine was no different.

mahi, here here!

Player Fenian, he was Wolfe not Wolf and died before his scheduled execution - it believed by his own hand.

Player Fenian, I agree. I am an English C of E - lapsed! I strongly agree with you as an Irish Catholic.
The original Irish rebels were mixed religion. Wolf Tone was Protestant and was executed for his rebellion.

Player #25874027, I’m still ashamed if our past crimes against humanity but I agree with you on the current horrors.

Player Fenian, The Britain of the past did shameful things. Acknowledge it. Honour the people involved who were harmed. Move on and Make NOW better ...
the past is the past
we have NOW to right the wrongs

England still has anti-Catholic views to this day

A lot of ethnicities, nationalities, races, and peoples need to learn how to forgive, look to the future, and let the past wrongs go tbh.

Player Bengal Mama
Sailor Blue, And not Anything to repeat.

What Macedonia? The ancient one? Please specify

Player #31653919
they shipped food to England and watch our forefathers starve only for the native Indians and the sultan of Turkey
the British had so much to answer where they arrive at the pearly gates