Which British Olympic champion was born and died in China?
Correct answer: Eric Liddell

Player #1104482
"Chariots of Fire" was a great movie.

well I never knew that, got that one wrong

Phoenix 1000
Great 😃👍 movie and even greater sound 😊 track

Player LizBettan
British guy born in China with a Swedish name

Player #3532789
SpiritDancer1953, wouldn't worry, I saw and loved the movie, but I got it wrong too!!

theres a famous theme song too it too I believe, Slow motion run.

On wings of eagles is the sequel to chariots of fire starring Joseph Fiennes, it's not bad.

Player #1104482, its one of my favorites!

Player Meyer
A great man who lived by his faith and was a great example to others.