In the human body, baroreceptors are responsive to changes in what?
Correct answer: Pressure

penawareof, I used the prefix “baro” to associate with barometer, etc., thus pressure.

PatScott19, Yes so did I !

Saint Nine
PatScott19, that's what I did.

PatScott19, joining in guys! I did the same :)

Player #27149342 pixie
I didn't even know the human body could do this!

Player Gigi #28446253
Frog, a lot of us realized that baro related to barometer ergo pressure
love Latin

Kimbo, me, too, but there seems to be a pool of people (lack of better wording) who believe this happens, especially with arthritis. I have Fibromyalgia and personally believe barometric pressure changes with moving weather fronts, precipitate flares in me.

Interesting. My joints are reactive to changes in the barometric pressure.

MikeCVD, defo x

MikeCVD, me too... I also get bad headaches with the pressure

The human body has 100,000 miles of blood vessels, and almost 40 trillion microbial cells. It is a marvel of complexity and precision, the most complicated machine in existence.

Helps to break down the word. Baro / barometer / pressure

Player #32549118
PatScott19, me too, but answered first to be quick and as soon as I answered wrong I realised! Doh!

Player #37190234
I hit the button by mistake.

Guillermo Jr.
when you are in an unfamiliar town.. you can use those to find the nearest bar..

I learned this last month while helping my daughter study anatomy and physiology.

Emamma838, I did too

Player #5099592
why not treat the brain signals